
Cannabis knowledge

Post 225559 by SarcasticSeraph deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry, but casual Rx like this is really outside of Ask Metafilter's wheelhouse, and falls pretty squarely in "See a doctor" territory. -- taz


Tell me more about Dignitas

Post 225470 by SPA deleted for the following reason: This is "get off the internet and contact a professional" time. I am sorry you are going through this but this is not something AskMe can or should be helping you with. -- jessamyn


How should I protect myself?

Post 225387 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request. -- jessamyn

Evilspork's jacket, Evilspork's jacket, Evilspork's jacket, is falling apart.

Post 225346 by Evilspork deleted for the following reason: Hey there -- if you want to hire a MeFite you need to do it through Jobs not here. If you want to rewrite this to be not a jobs posting, hit us up on the contact form. -- jessamyn

Making x-ray visible t-shirts/stickers; design ideas wanted

Post 225332 by saizai deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but give me free ideas for my business + follow me + notifications + upcoming Kickstarter = not at all what Ask Metafilter is for. -- taz


Relationships, am I right?

Post 225215 by horizonseeker deleted for the following reason: Heya, this is way way too broad as stated to be workable as an Ask Metafilter question. Try and narrow this down to more of a request for guidance or advice on whatever your specific situation next week if there's a concrete problem you're looking for help with. -- cortex

Breaking one law of nature should allow you to break all the others, right?

Post 225167 by 256 deleted for the following reason: Hey, sorry but this is hypothetical chatfilter, and not really what Ask Metafilter is for. -- taz


Visited by Deceased Loved Ones

Post 225018 by Asian_Hunnie deleted for the following reason: This is kind of a grabbag of really subjective stuff that there isn't some concrete scientific position on; I don't think this is going to work at all as an askme question. -- cortex

The nuclear family undermined

Post 224997 by jago25_98 deleted for the following reason: Sorry, but this more chatfilter or "debatefilter" rather than a concrete problem to be solved, and not what Ask Metafilter is for. -- taz


Shamoo that bitch

Post 224962 by Belle O'Cosity deleted for the following reason: This is really really not what AskMe is for. I am really sorry for your loss. -- jessamyn

Is it possible to create ethical heterosexual porn?

Post 224917 by deeper red deleted for the following reason: This is chatfilter without significantly more "what do you mean by your definitions" discussion. Please ask this question again with more information about what you are specifically seeking. Thank you. -- jessamyn


How the weird turn pro.

Post 224765 by evil holiday magic deleted for the following reason: Poster's request -- taz


What is a great day bag or tote for a tourist?

Post 224613 by mintchip deleted for the following reason: Please contact us about the 7-day limit. Thanks. -- taz

How to pick a wedding date & everything that goes along with it?

Post 224552 by anonymous deleted for the following reason: poster's request -- taz


A Little Bit of Beauty?

Post 224505 by Michele in California deleted for the following reason: Heya, I'm sorry stuff is getting you down but this is vague to the point of being chatfilter. -- cortex


Ambassadorships. Today only! 20% off

Post 224454 by 2manyusernames deleted for the following reason: This is a rant disguised as a question - if you have a real question, please rephrase and ask with out all the pre-GRARing. Thank you. -- jessamyn


Looking for a sire for my dog

Post 224138 by millerizer deleted for the following reason: This is not what AskMetaFilter is for. -- jessamyn


Not complaining... A click's a click

Post 224023 by Bathtub Bobsled deleted for the following reason: at poster's request -- mathowie

US Flags for Election Day

Post 223975 by Mike Mongo deleted for the following reason: Please see us about the seven day limit. Thanks. -- jessamyn


Daddy Issues can only explain so much

Post 223641 by Leezie deleted for the following reason: sorry, this is really chatfilter, there's not really a problem to be solved or any one answer that is better than another. -- mathowie


You never walk alone

Post 223556 by vozworth deleted for the following reason: The question as stated is pretty vague, and without any actual problem to solve, this is basically chatfilter. -- taz